Nonverbal Vocalization Data
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The Nonverbal Vocalization Dataset is a human nonverbal sound dataset (a.k.a. vocal characterizer) consisting of 56.7 hours of short clips from 1419 speakers, crowdsourced by the general public in South Korea. The dataset also includes metadata such as age, sex, noise level, and quality of utterance. 16 categories of human nonverbal sound data contain sounds such as: ‘teeth-chattering’, ‘teeth-grinding’, ‘tongue-clicking’, ‘nose-blowing’, ‘coughing’, ‘yawning’, ‘throat clearing’, ‘sighing’, ‘lip-popping’, ‘lip-smacking’, ‘panting’, ’crying’, ‘laughing’, ‘sneezing’, ‘moaning’, and ‘screaming’.
Device : Android phones
Volume (sample) : ~ 57(~ 0.6) hours, ~ 70,000(~ 800) utterances, ~ 18(~ 0.1) GB, ~ 1500(~ 500) speakers
Format : wav/h5 (16/44.1kHz, 16-bit, mono)
Refer to the dataset descriptions in 'docs' for details and statistics of the entirety of the dataset.
The sample audio data is a subset (approximately 1%) of a much bigger dataset which were recorded under the same circumstances as these open source samples.
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Featured Nonverbal Sound Sample
Coughing Sound
Crying Sound
Screaming Sound
Moaning Sound
Laughing Sound
And 11 more sounds!
Dataset statistics
The illustrations below are the statistics about the Deeply Nonverbal Vocalization dataset. The first two graphs are from the sample audio data and the others are from the full dataset. To gain more insight regarding the dataset, please refer to the detailed description in 'docs'.
├── dataset
│ ├── Nonverbal_Vocalization_metadata.json
│ ├── coughing
│ │ ├── 0C1S_4_8_0_27_0_1_1.wav
│ │ ├── ...
│ ├── crying
│ │ ├── 1TCO_11_10_0_20_0_0_0.wav
│ │ ├── ...
│ ├── ...
│ ├── ...
│ ├── tongue-clicking
│ │ ├── 06RU_2_7_1_38_0_0_0.wav
│ │ ├── ...
│ └── yawning
│ ├── 0DYI_5_10_1_12_0_1_0.wav
│ ├── ...
└── docs
├── Deeply\ Nonverbal\ Vocalization\ Dataset\ description_Eng.pdf
└── Deeply\ Nonverbal\ Vocalization\ Dataset\ description_Kor.pdf
'LAA7': {'sex': 'Male',
'age': 22,
'class': ['teeth-chattering', 'teeth-grinding', 'lip-smacking']},
'WVST': {'sex': 'Female',
'age': 15,
'class': ['nose-blowing','coughing','yawning','throat-clearing','sighing',
'lip-popping','sneezing','screaming']} }
Filename convention
Class: {0: ‘teeth-chattering’, 1: ‘teeth-grinding’, 2: ‘tongue-clicking’, 3: ‘nose-blowing’,
4: ‘coughing’, 5: ‘yawning’, 6: ‘throat-clearing’, 7: ‘sighing’, 8: ‘lip-popping’,
9: ‘lip-smacking’, 10: ‘panting’, 11: ‘crying’, 12: ‘laughing’, 13: ‘sneezing’,
14: ‘moaning’, 15: screaming’}
Sex: {0: ‘Female’, 1: ‘Male’}
Location: {0: ‘indoor’, 1: ‘outdoor’}
Quality: {0: ‘High’, 1: ‘Low’}
Noise: {0: ‘Noiseless’, 1: ‘Noisy’}
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
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